You can contact us in Danish, English, or German


Frequently Asked Questions

Q) How do I go about getting tattooed if I don’t live in Denmark? 

Most of our clients aren’t Danish residents, but travel from around the world to get tattooed here. Since we primarily specialize in dotwork (both by hand and machine), which is less painful and traumatic for the skin than many other types of tattooing, it’s possible to do longer sessions on consecutive days, completing large tattoos in just a few days (or ’rounds’ of days). Many of our clients even make a ‘tattoo holiday’ out of it, bringing along family or friends to the oldest kingdom in the world. Additionally, we offer a guest apartment right here at the farm, which we rent out at a reasonable price to our clients. You can book it while scheduling your appointment.


Q) How soon can I get tattooed? // How long is your waiting list?

Depending on when you’re contacting us there may be a waiting period of between 3-12 months.


Q) What can I provide for inspiration/ to show what I would like before our appointment?

Inspiration from you is always welcome. Your idea of placement and size, general motif and two-three pictures of former pieces of our work that you like the most is a great help for us. But inspiration in other forms can also be a great starting point: Pictures of archaeological pieces, poetry or mythological stories or entities for example.


Q) I like this tattoo that you did. Can I get that?

As all our work is designed for – and on, the individual client and we do not make the same tattoo twice. But we will be happy to make your own version of a given motif.

Vikinge tatoveringer til din krop
Vikinge tatoveringer på kvinde

Q) Does it hurt?

Yes, it does. Although a lot less than most first timers seem to expect. A little bit of dot-work doesn’t really hurt. Hours and days of it do though.

Tattooing can range from mildly uncomfortable to rather painful. Everyone experiences pain differently, however, and while we try to make your experience as comfortable as possible you should expect to be in at least a small amount of pain and discomfort.

You can avoid a lot of discomfort and pain by making sure to get a good night’s rest before your session, eating a healthy breakfast and drinking lots of water in the days before your session. You may prefer to bring something to distract yourself with, like a book, music or a tablet to watch movies on.

We would also like to mention that for a lot of our clients getting tattooed is a thoroughly enjoyable experience.

The best you can do is to relax and remember to breathe, as in so many aspects of life.


Q) Can I buy // commission designs by you to be done by my local artist? 

At the moment, we don’t do this. 99% of our tattoos are designed directly on the body of the client, to follow the lines of the body and for the tattoo to truly become a part of the client.

If you would like some of our work, our recommendation is a trip to Denmark, – or that you wait until we come and visit an area closer to you. We do travel in Europe and the US and Canada sometimes for conventions and guest-spots.


Q) When will you be coming to work in my local area?

Travel plans are announced on our studio Facebook and Instagram pages. – Or, just write and ask.


Q) How much does it cost to get tattooed?

The daily rate is 8000 DKK. As I mostly work on larger projects I find that a daily rate is what makes the most sense. The normal work days run Monday to Friday from 10.00-17.00, unless agreed otherwise. Additional hours are charged by 1500 DKK pr. hour.

As a rule of thumb a working day results in about 20×30 cm (7×11”) worth of finished tattoo.

However, the size is not the only factor: The complexity of the design, the level of detail, colours, how easy the client’s skin is to work with, and the client’s ability to lie still and relax, also play parts in how much can be done in a day.

Q) Deposit?

We charge a deposit of 1500 DKK pr. booked day. The deposit is deducted from the final price of the tattoo and is non-refundable.


Q) What if I need/want to change or cancel my appointment?

You can change your appointment up to two times without losing your deposit, as long as you contact us at least a nine days before the booked date. Upon the third change of a booked date the deposit is forfeit. If you cancel your appointment deposit is also lost.


Q) How do I pay for my tattoo? 

As for payment we can take cash in Dkr, Ginnungagap Art’s giftcard or most card. You pay at the end of each day. If this should not be possible for you, you can do a bank transfer or pay with PayPal before your appointment.


Q) Can I bring a friend to my tattoo session?

It is possible and you’re welcome to bring a friend or partner. We would like to ask that you do not bring more than one person though, as it can be disturbing. Also, kids and tattooing don’t mix well. If you are bringing your kid(s) to Denmark, they are more than welcome to come into the studio and have a look, but don’t plan on having them hang out during the session.


Q) I’m not 18 yet. Can I get tattooed at your studio? (My parents say it’s OK!)

No. We will under no circumstances tattoo a minor. With no exceptions. It is against the law in Denmark, and besides we think it is irresponsible. Generally speaking, our clients are at least 21.

Vikinge tatoveringer
Vikinge tatoveringer på arm

Q) What about alcohol?

In the days before your appointment make sure you do not drink too much of it. One beer the night before is not a problem, but keep it at that. Alcohol thins the blood and puts strain on your system. If the body is even a bit hung over tattooing will hurt more and the tattoo might not heal as well.


Q) I’m pregnant // breastfeeding. Can I get tattooed? 

While it is not illegal to get tattooed while pregnant or breastfeeding, it is not advisable either. Not much research has been done on the risks of getting tattooed while pregnant or breastfeeding, but the very act of tattooing is, albeit a small one, a trauma inflicted on the body.


Q) I’m vegetarian/vegan. Can I get tattooed with vegan ink? 

Although some of the ink brands we’re using have inks made without the use of any animal products, we will not guarantee exclusive use of Vegan friendly ink. Our main concern is the quality of the tattoo and so we use the inks that in our experience give the best result. And, that are guaranteed laboratory tested to be safe.


Q) Where is your studio, and can I come by and have a talk about my future tattoo?

The Ginnungagap Art studio is placed on our farm that we bought and moved to in August 2019. It is in the countryside about two hours from Copenhagen on the Island called Fyn. You are very welcome to come by for a coffee and chat. It is a good idea to call or write in advance though.


Q) Can you recommend some good places to stay close by?

We are currently upgrading and restoring the farm, and from January 2020 we are able to offer accommodation in the newly restored guest apartment on the grounds. Write us for details if you’re interested.

Other options include AirBnbs in the area. Or bring your camper and live in our courtyard.